How does one know when a “thing” is exactly the “thing” that you think it is?
Sometimes we make a purchase only to ;ind that it is not as it was represented, doesn’t ;it
as it should, doesn’t perform as it should, doesn’t last as long as it should.
We live in a society that enables us, allows us, a quick ;ix when the “thing” doesn’t
seem to be just right. We send it back, exchange it for another.
Can’t do that when the “thing” happens to be a person. Can’t do that when the
“thing” is what a person feels. Can’t do that when the “thing” is who the person is. Can’t do
that when the words written are but an expression of a truth lived out in a person’s life.
As you read A Love Letter to My Family, written for you, recognize that it is written
by a daughter, a wife, a mother, a mother-in-law, a grandmother, and, yes, a surrogate
mother, not a legal mother but a mother by selection. Recognize that it is a “thing” written
out of love for each of you, and if you ;ind words that don’t exactly ;it your life, who you are,
or think you are, don’t send it back, but like the old-timer railroad sign said, “STOP,” “LOOK,”
and “LISTEN.”
STOP living a life on a boat without a rudder, being tossed and turned by every wind
and wave that buffers your boat. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) Anchor your boat of life to the Word, and you can’t
do that without reading the Word, practicing the Word, and sharing the Word with others.
LOOK for others whose life is centered in the Word, and associate with them, pattern
your life after them, share your life with them. As completely as life occupies our time, it is
very wasteful to spend time with those who tear us down instead of building us up.
LISTEN attentively to that which builds you up, which adds positively to who you
are, and who you want to become. We don’t have time to waste on the negativity that is so
readily available and is so harmful to health of our bodies, our minds, and our value to
As you read this book, you will discover why I chose the writer to be my beloved wife,
your mother, your grandmother, your mother-in-law. In keeping with my admonition to
STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN, in particular here is what I suggest you pay heed to. Our son, Jay,
your brother, brother-in-law, uncle, found himself in a conversation one night at a bar after a performance. The discussion at the conclusion of the evening came around to whether or
not it matters if you believe in God, Heaven, and Hell. As I recall, his answer was as follows:
If you believe in Heaven and Hell and believe in Jesus as your substitute for forgiveness of
your sins, and you die and find out you were wrong, there will be no penalty. You have lost
nothing. If, however, you do not believe and accept His gift of salvation, die, and find out you
are wrong, you have lost everything. Logic demands that you believe.