Thursday, April 12, 2018

K is for Kumquat

Today, I want to educate you about a fruit that many people have never even heard of. We’re going to talk about the kumquat, a fruit that resembles an orange – only much smaller and a bit different in shape – and grows on a beautiful small tree in the Asian-pacific region. It now grows in America and Europe after being transplanted.

I want you to know that the kumquat is not only beautiful – and cute, to me – it has wonderful benefits for you as a “consumer,” meaning that they may be used both inside and outside the body.  Here are nine benefits of kumquats:

·     Aid in Digestion 
·     Control Diabetes
·     Boost Immunity
·     Help with Skin Problems
·     Improve Eyes
·     Build Strong Bones
·     Boost Energy
·     Aid in Weight Loss
·     Improve Hair and Teeth Quality

So, as my mother-in-law used to say, there you have it. Now you know about kumquats. But . . . I have given all of this wonderful information, but that’s not really why I’m writing this post today. I’m really writing to tell you how kumquats are used in our family.

I have no idea who started this tradition, but I thank the person. Maybe it was my mother. Anyway, the tradition is to put a handful of kumquats in the bottom of everyone’s Christmas stocking. I know that sounds silly, and it is . . . but reaching into the stocking and finding those kumquats always produces laughter. I don’t think it takes much to make us laugh. It’s my job, of course, to find the kumquats. Sometimes they are available in super markets in December, and sometimes they aren’t. I’m not familiar with growing them and don’t know what they require to be harvested in the winter, but I’m always disappointed when I can’t find them for the stockings. When I ask the fruit and veggie stocker if they’ll have them before Christmas, I usually get a deer-in-headlights look before he goes to ask someone. And if I can’t put kumquats in the stockings, my family members say, “But, Grammy, where are the kumquats?”

We’ve never eaten them. They’re just funny to us. However, after doing the research at the beginning of this post, I think I’ll buy even more when they’re available and take advantage of what I learned. By the way, if you’d like elaboration of the benefits, just Google “9 Amazing Benefits of Kumquats,” and you’ll find out everything you ever needed to know about this cute, beautiful little fruit!


Marcy said...

We have bought and eaten Kumquats several times in the past as DH does enjoy them, but I've never heard of putting them in the Christmas Stockings. Maybe Santa will have to try that this year. But don't tell my family . . . it will be a real Christmas Surprise. (If I can find them in December, that is.)

Cerrillos Sandy said...

Oh, those kumquats will be a surprise all right! I really do want to try eating them this year if I can find any. Happy Weekend, Marcy!